Entries from 2013-09-01 to 1 month

obscure and ancient graphics card for IBM PC

I wrote a small C program for this graphics card. It is a CGA model which was used in early 1980s!After a while it really works.A lot of effort is required to set a single pixel. 320x200 in 4 colors...Borland C++ is used but this program i…

C language on MSDOS...

C program which I wrote. It can set pixels, draw a circle, and draw a box. All very primitive- technology from 30 years ago.It is old graphics card and MSDOS (FreeDOS) which runs in a hard drive partition. C compiler is not free but it is …

compressing filesystem (2)

Given the fact most operating system files are almost never used, essentially these files are slack. OK they have to be there, belonging to an installation, and the software eventually is used in very few cases.Actually this can be 10,000s…

Compressing file system

Compressing file system - LINUXWhen I installed MPLABX + all the C compilers, about 98% of the hard drive partition was used. There are about 20000 files or more!1. I created a new partition, and moved 4.1 Gigabytes installation there.2. I…

linux nightmare

today was Linux nightmare day.linux installation posted by (C)takao212031. It was broken somehow 10AM. I did not power down correctly because it crashed.2. Reinstall.3. Broken again by installing Virtualbox. Bad! Another reinstall.I have n…

Tokyo, May 2013

A few days ago I copied 802 Megabytes on my laptop hard drive. Photos from my stay in Japan May 2013.Some of them were never added to internet.I want to increase using Hatena again by the way (wrong grammar english?). By the way, I want to…