Homefront is a FPS game for XBOX.
I do not know if it is available currently.
It takes into account a fictional DPRK takeover of the entire world.

XBOX game
XBOX game posted by (C)tetsu-jp

In the 2020s, gas prices rise above 20 dollars so America turns into a 3rd world country.
DPRK's new president speaks at United Nations and wins sympathy.
Japan signs a pact with DPRK!

Could this happen maybe not in 2020 but in the 22nd century?
It is not unlikely.

Even if human rights, freedom of speech and democracy are not found very much in DPRK,
it is not a 3rd world country.

It is not ragless like Libya.

DPRK has very nice buildings for instance. Design is superior to western architecture.

Do they really maintain colonialism like the west?
To buy gasoline at 1 cents/gallon?

In china, a pushbutton costs 10 cents.
It is sold for $1.30
The factory price is maybe 2 or 3 cents.
The worker gets...nothing.
Because it is made by machine.
Maybe 0.1 cents.

That is the standard argumentation of communism.
That the worker is betrayed.
The dealers and the bankers get 90% to 99% of the money.

It is not the full truth actually.
Capital is required to fund research and innovation.
The soviet Union remained behind the west in terms of computers and electronics.

The truth is that our western high-tech world relys on mineral oil, which is mostly resourced
from developing countries.
What will happen once it becomes exhausted?
Gasoline prices will rise.

In Mexico city many people are poor and live in slums for instance.
There is no guarantee that America will be saved from it.
They do not care about employment.
They do not really have additional jobs.
Not so DPRK. In DPRK everyone has a job. Everyone must work.
So why do they have problems?

On the one hand, most countries refuse to deal with them.
They put too much efforts into the military.
And they do not maintain creativity and research as we know it in the west.
But, are RAP, HIPHOP, RAVE, ROCK creativity?
Isn't RAVE unethical production method?

I think both capitalist freedom and communist economic plan bureaucracy have failed.
The first nation who will realize that will be the winner.

But is not it the truth, like this island in Brave New World, all made up
of people who are all intelligent Alpha + individuals, that soon they would
compete horribly, and terrorize each other?
To some degree yes. So we use Sesame Street to stupify youths.
We use the school system not really to learn anything useful,
but to destroy creativity at it's foundation.

Then you tell them "Rock is anti-establishment", and they believe it.
Is it really? They rely on a record label like SONY, don't they?
They use a professional audio studio right?
They travel via aeroplane, and they stay in the upper class hotel.
So what "anti-establishment"?
It is just the replacement of one establishment by another.

And the government is against cannabis.
Because if you use it, you would understand the truth.
In ancient times chosen people used opium for instance, and wrote a religious fairytale.
The Bible! 2000 years later, they believe it is "holy".
It is told to small children.
David/Goliath, Noah's Ark, Jesus resurrection.
Zionism? There is strong indication that it is based on opium hallucination.

So the truth could be maintained by a small insider group, but
the masses are served by fairytales.

The only problem is that once the gasoline runs out, our system will no longer work.
There will not be a revert to "good old times" or "organic food".
There are so many people that without the gasonline the machinery will slow down and just stop.
Take DPRK. Their roadways are mostly empty. They do not use much gasoline.

If you go to DPRK...it won't be so good.
You won't have internet access. You won't be able to write or to speak freely.
That is the truth.
You most likely won't be able to grow or to smoke marijuana.

So DPRK or Juche Idea socialism are not really an answer or a solution to current economic crisis.
I like it that everyone can work, yes they even must work.
Everyone gets a flat or a house.
Some people die yes? Some people go to labour camp yes?
That is true. Reform through labour.

The truth is in America, about 3% have something to do with prison and the police.
The big gangsters just pay a bail of 30,000 dollar, and then they are free after a few days.
The little gangsters life is destroyed permanently. They won't get any good job for the rest of their life.

In DPRK the numbers of such people is lower. It is believed the percentage who really get in trouble
with labour camp is less than 1%.

And then all these junks, clowns, trvestites. They do hard drugs, destructive music,
to rture, and weird body art (a tattoo).
It is actually quite common here in the west. You see people with boy piercings all the time.

What is the number of such people in DPRK? Neglible.

So is freedom really good if many people are using it for bad purposes?
I mean I like it myself, that is true.

DPRK won't overtake the world with their system.
That is not very likely.
But our western system also is not good. It is unknown for how long the machinery can sustain running.
The politicans do not really have answers or they do not really solve any problem.
They live in artificial realities.
The only reason why it does not collapse is that there we have an enormous input of gasoline.
People drive and drive and drive just for the purpose to have a car and to drive even more.
We generate electricity from it, and we make plastic.

But nobody really worked for this gasoline. It is just harvested.
And it does not regrow.
It can sustain for maybe 100 more years at best.

Here the homefront trailer.
It could really happen one day, gasonline prices rise to 20 dollar.
And China stops to supply cheap labour.

But I do not think that "Communism" will be workable model.
For instance Karl Marx. What he writes is too thin, too outdated,
too much unrelated to our high-tech world.
In the last half of his book "The Capital" he just lists up boring account numbers of banks.
So how did he know them actually?
He was an agent provocateur maybe.
So they tell people "anti-establishment", indeed, these people are employed, funded,
and supported by the establishment.

But it is true. They have nice houses in DPRK.
Everyone can or must work.
There is no weird clothing allowed.
There is no dog litter on the streets of Pyongyang.
And our comrade Kim Jong Il has a taste for french wine.
While it is available in special shops, it is not handed out to just everyone.

Different, in our western countries, you could easily buy it in a supermarket.
The system based on fossil gasoline is nice actually, while supplies last!

Marijuana could be a solution for the energy crisis.
It grows 4x times as fast as wood!

However unfortunately I think we must rely on nuclear energy, and it will even increase
much much more. China will build 120 Gigawatts in the next few years.
They simply need it.
And also the west will have no choice either the machinery will slow down and stop,
or they must use more nuclear energy.
I mean 2x to 3x more reactors.
What will be the choice when the gasoline runs out?
Wind farms? Not workable. They can give some 10% but otherwise would clog up all the countryside,
and influence the weather negatively.

When people watch Sesame Street, they see a small black boy, and they are told about
a new marriage custom. But do they really understand how our machinery works?
Do they really believe when you do not have a job, you could call a politican,
and you would just get any kind of reply, or job offer?

In DPRK there is no Sesame Street. And you would get some kind of job from one day to the other.

Do you know in the 1920, today's DPRK was a prefecture of Japan?
That was really nice.
Japan did it to protect Korea from atrocities of the outside world.
But it was not enough.
Japan also did go for most of south east Asia.
Yamamoto for instance did know that it would not work.
He was opposed to this big military gamble.
Maybe he knew the consequences in case they loose.
But he was silenced.

I do not think Yamamoto was a communist.

dwarf plants
dwarf plants posted by (C)tetsu-jp

Homefront only exists because the action of one single person?
Butterfly effect?
Fukushima scenario just happened because the magic one single person performed at home?
I think the quake was bound to happen some day.
These quakes happen all the time.
I do not think they are caused by humans.
But we do not yet understand magma flux.
So when I have weird dreams, and when there are some weird coincidences on my blogs,
it is just the near future. I do not see it literally not at all.
Maybe the sun already knows the future in 3 months?
Small insects do not have a government. They directly live in a matrix.
If something bad will happen, they will just feel it somehow.
And they will try to survive.

Or this Akira cartoon guy (book 5), he can foretell the future but that does not help him.
He dies in a strange way.
When you read Akira cartoon book, you think about military gamble twice.
Because that is what they will do to them if they loose.
So I also think that it is very unlikely that DPRK will try to expand and invade like Japan did in WW2.
For Korea, it was OK, to protect them from the west.
I really believe it myself.
What the koreans did not like is that they had to abandon Hangul.
But south east Asia was military gamble and expansion, gold rush.
Or they wanted to do it, before the west would do it?
They acted like small school bullies, not educated adults.
Tell me attending the school system makes a person aware and responsible.
I tell you it does not.
It makes people gamble.
If you use cannabis you would simply know that if you gamble, in most
of the cases you will simply loose.

I mean our society is pretty much a big bosom, a big alcohol bottle, a big car,
and to go gambling. The holy grails of present age.
Or is it different?
Was SEGA different?
Science fiction maybe? Space exploration?
There is one particular book (Japans exploding subculture),
where such a sculpture can be found.
In the end it is also not really workable.

Or if you are buddhist, you could give the standard explanation that it is all suffering.
maybe it is indeed.
He was a King a long time ago, and became so upset and sick and bored by the way of the world.
He used cannabis (maybe), sat under a tree, and he was a great genius.
The simple explanations are that it is all suffering, that it leads to suffering.
And the solution would be right thinking, and to seek the right path.

I think if you grow cannabis yourself, observe all the lifecycle, the complexity of the plant,
it is very sustainable, you care about a lifeform, and it is not suffering.
It is not a poison.
In the end people would not really smoke it because it is unhealthy.
It also can be eaten.
Did you know even the flowering tops are edible?
They do not have a big narcotic effect because it is not heated.
Heating causes a certain reaction to the THC. So it become much more psychoactive.
Maybe classification as dangerous drug is incorrect.
It only shows a drug effect when it is heated by smoking.

In the ancient past of Japan and China, indeed people used cannabis for nutrition.
But nowadays, they can go to a bar, they buy sweets and cakes,
and canned meat, and this is all legal.
If you grow some cannabis plants then you could go to prison for years.

Knut reveals "I'm a veggie!"

When you tell the truth people will always understand you.
His keeper died in 2008 from a heart attack.
Then the polar bear was bullied by female bears.
They write his brain developed differently, and he died from brain problems.
Yet they have to examine it further.
Indeed the bear collapsed in public.